Tag Archives: science fiction

FREE Giveaway is counting down…

Happy cold February. It seems like just about everywhere is getting hit with winter storms. Even Las Vegas is shimmering under a pretty decent dusting of snow. When I lived there, I think I only experienced one dusting of it. Reno, on the other hand, has been getting pretty good snowfall this month. We’ve had nine storms come in although the first two were heavy rain in the city while the mountains took the brunt of it. The Sierras are entirely coated with the white stuff and look gorgeous.

Postcard imageBut I digress… I am actually wanting to remind you that the Light Up the Galaxy free science fiction and fantasy giveaway only has five days left for you to go check out the books offered and grab yourself a free copy of a few of them. My book, O’Ceagan’s Legacy, the full novel, is available for free.

One of the hardest things for a writer to do is get noticed amid the tremendous number of authors publishing now. So, this giveaway is a way to combine the power of all the participating authors to try to reach more readers, so we invite all of our readers to explore the books offered. No obligations, but if you do read and enjoy the books, a review would be greatly appreciated. It really does help others to connect with the books.

So, please, before this promotion ends on February 26th, go out and download a few books that sound interesting to you.