Tag Archives: time travel

Thanksgiving Wishes and an Update

picture: Happy Thanksgiving

To all my American readers and friends, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving Day. To everyone else, I also wish you a lovely day.

This day, I give thanks for many things. I have a lovely house that I own, I have food on my table, I have my darling pets, and I have my good health. I also have you, my dear readers, and for that, I am especially thankful.

At this time, my thoughts and my heart go out to the people who lost their homes in California this past week. As someone who lives with the threat of a raging fire being a reality at any time, I sympathize with our neighbors in the Golden State. I’ve waited nervously in my house after a fire warning while a brush fire just a few miles down my street threatened our whole neighborhood but was thankfully brought under control before we had to load the pets and get to the nearest shelter. To think that you don’t have time to grab anything before you have to flee is terrifying. I just hope I never have to be in the position those people in California are in. Peace and strength to them and I know they are grateful to be alive.

Upcoming Books

On a different note, I am almost to the end of NaNoWriMo for this year. Although it’s sometimes frenzied writing, I enjoy the challenge of writing thousands of words a day during the month. This year, I completed one novel, wrote the last three chapters of one I had dangling (under another pen name) and started the second book of the series for the one I wrote,  Feels amazing to be that productive.

The completed book is Escape to Green Leaf Junction,  the first of a fantasy trilogy. (Yes, I know I have another fantasy trilogy that still isn’t complete, but this one spoke to me.) It’s my take on a fae world and on a town that bridges both Earth and that world.  It will be a few months before I begin editing, but it will possibly be out toward the end of 2019.

I have a time travel fantasy that I completed during Camp Nano this past July that is being prepped for a May release. I chose May because I’ll be at the Book Lovers’ Convention in New Orleans that month and will be giving out bookmarks for a free download of the book. It is called Time Walker, and I don’t have the cover ready for it yet, so look for the cover reveal to come up around January.

Also on tap is a fantasy novella set in the O’Ceagan’s Legacy universe but featuring one of the supporting characters from that story. Called In Strange Waters, it’s an adventure on Erinnua featuring Dari, the puca, along with his bean sidhe (banshee) companion, Sheilan. I am currently editing the book and hope to release it in February. More on that next month.

So, prepping for release, I have In Strange Waters and Time Walker. (Wait until you see the gorgeous cover for Time Walker.)

In editing mode, I have Escape to Green Leaf Junction.

Currently writing, I have the untitled 2nd book of the Junction Series.

And just released in October is the last book of my Funeral Singer series titled A Song of Redemption. This is a tense, exciting wrap-up to the series. And if you read through to the end, there’s a surprise waiting for you.

What I’m Currently Excited About

I just finished reading Annette Marie’s second book in her The Guild Codex series, which is Dark Arts and a Daiquiri.

If you haven’t discovered this terrific writer yet, what are you waiting for? This new series is fun, exciting, and a fast-moving read that will grab you by the throat and not let go until the very end.  I first started reading her with her Steel and Stone series and fell in love with her writing and the characters.  If you like sidekicks with snark and charm, you’ll want to check out Lyre, who becomes one of the main characters of her Spell Weaver series, which is my personal favorite.

Her Red Winter series strikes a totally different tone and draws on Japanese mythology for a fantastic book with compelling characters and situations that will put your heart in your throat. I can’t say enough about this woman’s writing.

Seriously, if you want a terrific fantasy novel, you can’t do better than Annette Marie’s books. Every one of them will draw you in.

Until next time, stay safe, be grateful for what you have, and be kind to people.


Book Progress and Promo

Wow! I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything since April when I released “A Song of Forgiveness”. I have been busy these past few months though and I am in the final stages of the fifth book of the “Funeral Singer” series, “A Song of Redemption”, which is now planned for release on October 22, 2018. This will wrap up that series so I hope you’re ready for it to end. I’ve loved writing Gillian’s adventures, but I have other projects I am eager to work on also.

One of them is a new book that I wrote this summer that involves time travel and a touch of steampunk. It’s a fun story and I had a great time with it. In May, I went to a master plotting workshop with Cherry Adair and came out with lots of tips, ideas, and a novel almost ready to be written. In July, I made it my summer Camp NaNoWriMo project and completed the first draft. I’m ready to begin the first round of edits now. At this time, I am anticipating a late Spring release.

Another book that needs to be edited is set in the same universe as “O’Ceagan’s Legacy” and explores the Erinnua home world through they eyes of a new arrival. The story is written and ready to edit. I just need many more hours in my days.

More on both of these projects later.

For now, I’d like to tell you about an exciting book promotion that starts today – September 6th – to coincide with National Read a Book Day. Several of our Nevada authors have gone in together to  promote our books. If you’re looking for a new read, check out these books.To learn more and find links to the individual books, click here.

Until next time, enjoy the fall weather coming soon.  Or if you’re south of the equator, spring is on its way. Either way. there should be lovely days ahead.

I update this again soon with more information on the new novels.