Tag Archives: sci-fi books

A Short Chat with Author Jerry Gerold

Checking in with my second interview during the Speculative Fiction Giveaway promotion, I’d like to introduce you to Jerry Gerold. He’s a diverse author, writing in various genres from science fiction to horror, mystery, and romance. Originally from Portland, Oregon, he moved to Sacramento, California, then eventually returned to Portland, where followers of Grimm know that it’s not safe. Why are you there, Jerry?

Seriously, Portland is a great city and really inspires authors and artists. Speaking of which, Jerry also draws anime characters. Truly a talented guy. So let’s get to the questions.

LW: First off, tell us about Strike Aura, the book you have up for grabs in this giveaway.

JG: Strike Aura starts out on Earth, with a young man named Cordell being visited by a young woman from another world, Haza, who presents him with a mysterious box. She opens the box and he falls instantly in love with her. Then her childhood friend Fia arrives and claims she is also in love with him, because of the box. The double planet these women come from, Versac-Nestantia, is nearly depleted of men and are forced to use this method of attracting mates. Versac-Nestantia is at war with the Uvii, a planet completely devoid of men. The Uvii are warlike and intent on taking men by force. Because of Haza and Fia, Earth moves to the top of their list. Haza and Fia now must defend Earth using their invention Strike Aura (the human aura weaponized) to stop the Uvii and put their war to an end. Cordell gets caught up in this conflict, not only between planets, but between Haza and Fia.

LW: Women from two worlds on the hunt for men? That sounds like a good read and one I plan to pick up. What triggered this idea for your novel?

JG: Strike Aura is the result of watching too much Japanese anime over the course of two years. I had a lot of ideas after watching them and wondered if anyone out there was writing novels in an anime-type style and decided I would do it. The plot of a single, uninteresting male being visited by females from outer space is common among anime plots and that’s how my story begins.

LW: Anime inspiration is great. What can potential readers expect from this novel?

JG: Space travel, alien planets, alternate universes, interesting situations, goofiness and sex.

LW: Sounds like fun to me. Speculative fiction often has unusual and alien-sounding names in it. How do you select the names for your characters?

JG: A lot of cases, they just come to me. The character will introduce themselves to me and tell me their name. In the cases where this doesn’t happen, I have to designate them one. I have changed names in the middle of a story on more than one occasion. For made-up, science fiction-like names, my fingers just tap out a few letters and I decide if I like it or not. Haza and Fia are the products of this method. Cordell introduced himself to me. Another character in the book, went from Christel to Crystal to Krystal.

LW: I know what you mean about names evolving and changing. Which authors do you like to read?

JG: I grew up reading and loving Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Piers Anthony, Dean Koontz, Robert Heinlein and Philip K. Dick. All of these authors drew on my imagination and made me view the world in a different way. They made me want to keep reading and eventually start writing. I wanted to create my own worlds for others to read and maybe tap their imaginations and make them view the world differently, too.

Thanks, Jerry! Check out the giveaway below to pick up Strike Aura and go to Jerry’s author page to see more novels to entice you, including mine, O’Ceagan’s Legacy, a sci-fi adventure novel.

Free Book: https://instafreebie.com/free/fwX0R
Author page: https://www.facebook.com/Jerry.Gerold.Author/